Comprehensive Exams
to help decide the best way to address any dental needs.
Dental Cleaning
plays a much more important role in healthy living than most patients realize.
Periodontal Therapy
to thoroughly clean teeth below the gum line.
Diagnostic X-Rays
to diagnose and address potential problem issues before they become serious.
TMJ Exam
occurs when a patient experiences discomfort in the joint around the jaw.
Pediatric Services
to help set the stage for a lifetime of good oral health.
Crown and Bridge Restorations
to provide long-term fixes for patients who have lost teeth.
Composite Restoration
so that damaged teeth can be restored to a like-new condition.
Bleaching / Whitening
to provide long-term fixes for patients who have lost teeth.
can help fix number of cosmetic dental issues including: teeth that are chipped, worn down, discolored, or even misaligned or misshaped.
Implant Restorations
is a great way to restore the original look and function of a tooth that has been lost.
Partial and Full Dentures
so that damaged teeth can be restored to a like-new condition.
is the clear alternative to braces.
Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep apnea is a medical disorder that can be tricky to detect because the symptoms appear while the patient is sleeping.
Night Guards
to help the 15% of Americans that suffer from grinding their teeth at night.
Oral Surgery
We strive to make your oral surgery as comfortable and stress free as possible.
There are lots of reasons why you may need to part with a tooth earlier than you expected.
Emergency Dental Care
We provide emergency dental care to our patients to handle these urgent issues